UAE despite being ranked 8 th highest per capita incomes and high standard living, has an unemployment ratio of 14 %. About 80 % jobs go to foreign professionals. With the criticality of the matter, entrepreneurship been added to diversification well to tap into hidden potential, by consulting literature and demographics to identify potential initiatives. The initiatives were rooted for by stakeholders, entrepreneurs, and youth consultants. The idea was planted in the age group 15-34 years, making up about 42 % of UAE population, because the age group has 18% unemployment rate, with a concentration of 62% women. There is a hefty concentration of 25% students which is severely in needs of opportunities. The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor reflect that self-employment (Total Early Stage Entrepreneurial Activity or TEA) is about 1%, out of total 3% unemployment concentration in UAE, as compared to 35% in Lebanon and 30% in Korea. What’s most challenging in bringing youth to t...