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Younger 'A Novel Marriage' Season 4 Episode 10; Recap

Get it together guys! it's time to review the bundle of lies. Welcome to another episode of the life of Liza Miller, the 41 years old (Yeah! not 40 anymore ) pretending to be 27 at work.  

Episode 10 kicks off with Maggie bitching about her google earth location pin, that somebody uploaded of her sunbathing in all her glory. She wants it to be taken down and I want my name among the top 3 bloggers folks but we all know that is not possible (at least for some time). And Maggie should know better by now, the internet is forever. Liza keeps getting updates about the press release of "Marriage Vacation".

At work Charles wants to know about Pauline's book for review and situation gets a little awkward. Diana warns Liza to be vigilant and she is doing this as her "Mentor". Well, she is right, bosses are always the trickiest. Right after that, we jump to Liza, Pauline, and Charles into a heated meeting. Charles is not happy about Pauline distorting his words. Even though it is nothing, Charles doesn't think that both the women are doing justice to his character. Women, on the other hand, think they are putting the "fictional-Charles" on a pedestal. 

Meanwhile the resident master of disruption and chaos a.k.a Lauren calls Kelsey to let her know that she is at The Nest, an exclusive girls-only-joint which to open to the public for a limited time. Kelsey gets Liza and Pauline on board for the night's plan yo visit The Nest.

Josh and Claire are enjoying the video game that Claire's interning-studio designed. She lets him in on the secret to level 4's key that she suggested that the developers put in a wall. Kelsey came home the same time and finds that Claire arranged her stuff saying she was just "tidying up" for the sake of Josh. She wants Josh's friends to like her. She wants them to work. 

Dianna comes home to find Ethan's buddies lingering around the house. She asks Richard to do something about Ethan's living situation. But Richard distracts her and HE DISTRACTS HER GOOD. I am glad Dianna is getting really good this season. The uptight woman is really trying hard to keep their relationship alive. 

The Nest is buzzing by the display of "Pinx" by Louise Wexford whom Pauline based off "Louis" in her book. Wexford offers Pauline to hold a book party for her upcoming "Marriage Vacation". Kelsey meets one of GMA's producers and they talk business. Other than that the scene is a pretty dud.

Maggie asks Liza to keep it light. She really wants her to liberate herself and go after Charles. By now, I am pretty sure that's what we all want. Liza really needs to ride that horse and soon too. The book party is at Nest. Pauline enjoys the attention and the same time she doesn't care whether the women approve of her choice. She is finally free and ready to do what she loves most. While Kelsey is talking to GMA's producers she spots Lauren, who runs other direction as soon as she sees Kelsey. When Kelsey confronts her, she gives in and finally reveals she has been fired and sleeping in a closet in The Nest. Kelsey convinces her to come stay with her at Josh's.

Liza Josh runs into each other again. The guy is totally into her but she really has no clue who to get in bed with.The girl really needs a lesson in men. She excuses herself to run after Charles who apparently smokes like a chimney when he is under stress. That is HOT. Charles, on the other hand, is embarrassed and misunderstood. She asks her about Pauline moving in with the girls at townhouse and him thinking about removing her from the book project. Charles assures her that is not because of her work but rather due to how he feels about her. He thinks that Pauline overshares with her. From their conversation he gathers that her work matters most than what they have together.

Liza runs into Rose's parents. Remember the daughter Caitlin, her roommate Rose. Well they are persistent to speed sometime together. This time she is saved from Jay and while they exit the party together, they are spotted by Charles. Jay takes her up on dinner offer and they kiss, Yeah! a peck on the lips. Let's hope this goes somewhere. 

Daina gives a week ultimatum to Richard to take care of Ethan's housing situation and Claire may have to leave. Her internship is over and her visa requires her to leave. We have yet to see what Josh does about that.

Speculations based on next episodes glimpses

1) Josh will be seen pouring his heart out to Liza about Claire leaving. I hope they can find some way to keep her here. 
2) Charles and Pauline are getting back together. No surprise there. The look we talked about really turned out to be something.
3) Kelsey will be facing her demons once again. 


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